Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Stay in Your Lane

Ever been driving down the road and you see a car.  It's at a stop sign.  There's no one behind you and suddenly that car pulls out in front of you?  They could have waited a whole TWO seconds and they would have had all the time in the world.  So, you lay on the horn and, depending how thug you are, you throw some hand signs that your Sunday School teacher would be shocked to see you do.  THE NERVE of that person, right?

I mean, what could be so important that they would just take their lives in their own hands.  Why did they want to be in front of you so badly??

Ok... here's your warning.  Here's your pivot.  

How many times have you been that metaphorical person in your life?  The one at the stop sign... not the other one!  Can you remember a time when you wanted to be where someone was so badly?  I'm not talking about being physically where they are, although if they are in the Bahamas drinking rum drinks, I kinda get you on that one.  I'm talking about that they look like they have that perfect life.  They have the job making $120K a year.  They have the perfect-ish husband and kids.  Their house looks like something out of Better Homes and Gardens.

If you claim, "I am a Jedi, I crave not these things!"  I'm calling B.S.  Sorry, not sorry.  We've all wanted to be where someone else is.  We've wanted all the things that another person has.  I know that I do.  

But here are the hard questions.  What are you doing in your life to have that life you crave so much?  Are you dusting off that resume and putting on a fresh coat of ink?  When is the last time you looked at your job skills to realize that you are more than the job you have right now?

If not, then take some time and do a self-assessment of yourself.  Learn a new skill, sometimes for free, and apply for those higher paying jobs.  You'll get a lot of rejections, but what if you get an interview.  What if you get the career that will take you to where you want to be?

One of the most wisdom-filled statements anyone has ever given me was so simple.  Four words... STAY IN YOUR LANE.  Most of the people that you covet their lifestyle had to work for it.  They are STILL working for it... daily!  

I'm taking my own advice on this one.  I'm working towards the life that I want.  Am I there yet?  Absolutely not, but I'm working on it every day to push for the life that I want.

Stay in your own lane, but remember your destination!  Stay the course.

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Stay in Your Lane

Ever been driving down the road and you see a car.  It's at a stop sign.  There's no one behind you and suddenly that car pulls out ...